Runtime Variables

Runtime variables are a special kind of variable provided by the system to be referred to from within functions. During the simulation, PetroVR continually updates the value of runtime variables, so whenever they are invoked they return their value at the current simulation step.

Examples of runtime variable are PVR: Run Time: Current Date (which yields the current date at any simulation step) and PVR: Run Time: Oil: Cum (which yields the current project cumulative oil production). Using these two variables you might for example write an expression like this: "Start a facility expansion job when the project cum oil is bigger than a billion barrels but not before January 1st, 2011 (Current Date > 1/1/2011)". By referencing runtime variables from FML expressions, you turn input variables into Runtime-Dependent Variables.

You can access the list of all runtime variables provided by PetroVR by clicking the PlanVR variables icon in the Function Editor.

Runtime variables maintain their value for the whole duration of each step, regardless of any events that may modify it during that step. This is so in order to ensure consistency in the logic of the simulation, since all calculations performed during each step must retrieve the same value from every runtime variable. For example, on the day (step) a well goes online, its "Run Time: Potential Rate" will be zero, even though it will acquire an initial production during that step. It follows that an expression like "Well Completion: Well: Well: Run Time: Oil: Potential Rate" / "Well Completion: Well: Well: Initial Rate" will evaluate to 0 the day the well goes online.

List of Runtime Variables

The following table offers a detailed description of all existing runtime variables, indicating the object types they apply to. These variables are expressed in the corresponding default unit (see Units) and are introduced in FML expressions in the form: <object>: Run Time: <name>.

Name Description Objects
Abandon Date Date a well completion was abandoned. Well (completion)
Appraisal Drilled Total number of appraisal wells drilled in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
<fluid> Capacity Capacity of a facility's out connector for oil, gas or water at the current step. Facility
Clones Built Total number of clones of a given facility built up to the current step. Facility
<fluid>: Consumption: Rate Amount of fluid consumed by a facility at the current step. Facility
<fluid>: Cum Cumulative amount of fluid (oil, gas, water or component) produced/processed up to the current step. Facility Project Reservoir Well Completion
Cum Consumption Consumption of a given resource up to the current timestep. Resource
Current Date Date at the current step. Project
Current Period Period index at the current step. Project
Developed <fluid> Aggregated oil / gas developed (reserved) by the producers already drilled in a reservoir or well group. Reservoir Well Group
Dry Holes Drilled Total number of dry holes drilled in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
<fluid>: Emission: Rate Amount of fluid emitted by a facility at the current step. Facility
ESPs Installed Total number of ESPs installed up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
ESPs Online Number of active ESPs at the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Exploration Drilled Total number of exploration wells drilled in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Finish Date Actual date a job finishes (see Scheduling Pane). Job
Gaslift Installed Total number of gas lift units installed up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Gaslift Online Number of active gas lift units at the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Has Been Abandoned Returns true if the well completion or the facility has been Abandonment. Well (completion) Facility
Has Been Built Returns true if the Facility Construction job for this facility has completed its task. Facility
Has Been Completed Returns true if the well has been completed. Well (completion)
Has Been Drilled Returns true if the well has been drilled. Well (completion)
Has Completed Its Task Returns true if the job has completed its task; see Scheduling Pane. Job
Has Finished Returns true if the job has finished; see Scheduling Pane. Job
Has No Pending Completions Returns true if all scheduled well completions associated to this reservoir or well group have already been completed. Reservoir Well Group
Has Started Returns true if the job has started; see Scheduling Pane. Job
Idle Units Number of units of a rig currently mobilized not performing any job. Rig
Initial Pressure Reservoir pressure at the moment a gas production well went online. Gas Production Well
Injected <fluid> Rate Amount of fluid (gas or water) actually injected by a facility at the current step. (Injection) Facility
Injection Capacity A facility's capacity to inject fluids (water or gas) at the current step. (Injection) Facility
Injection: External Supply Rate Amount of fluid (water or gas) available for injection from external sources at the current step. (Injection) Facility
<fluid> Injection: Cum Cumulative injected gas or water up to the current step. (Injection) Well
<fluid> Injection: Rate Rate of gas or water injection at the current step. (Injection) Well
Injectors Abandoned Total number of gas or water injectors abandoned in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
<fluid> Injectors Completed Total number of gas or water injectors completed in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Injectors Completed Total number of injectors completed in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group

<fluid> Injectors On Line

Number of active gas or water injectors in the project/reservoir at the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Injectors On Line Number of active injectors in the project/reservoir at the current step. Project Reservoir
Is Producing Returns true if at least one production well associated to this reservoir or well group has a production rate greater than zero at the current step. Reservoir Well Group
Is Online Returns true if the well or facility has already been connected to the production line and the whole production line is ready to produce (i.e., it includes its custody transfer points or sales points). Well (completion) Facility
Period: Abandon Period index a well completion is abandoned; i.e., period index corresponding to the Production Start runtime variable. Well (completion)
Period CapEx CapEx incurred during the current period up to the current step. Project Facility
Period Consumption Consumption of a given resource during the current period up to the current timestep. Resource
Period: Finish Period index a job finishes; i.e., period index corresponding to the Finish Date runtime variable. Job
Period OpEx OpEx incurred during the current period up to the current step. Facility Project
<fluid> Period Production Production of a well, reservoir etc. during the current period up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well (completion) Well Group
Period: Production Start Period index a production well starts producing; i.e., period index corresponding to the Production Start runtime variable. Well (completion)
Period: Start Period index a facility has actually come into existence or a job has started; i.e., period index corresponding to the Start Date runtime variable. Facility Job
<fluid>: Potential Rate Facilities: total amount of fluid (oil, gas or water) able to be delivered by the system to a facility at the current step. Well: total amount of its main fluid (oil, gas) a production well is able to deliver at the current step. Reservoir: total amount of its main fluid (oil, gas) a reservoir is able to deliver at the current step. Facility Well (completion) Reservoir
Pressure Well or reservoir pressure at the current step. (Gas) Reservoir Gas Production Well
Previous Period Period index previous to the current period. Project
<fluid> Producers Abandoned Total number of oil or gas producers abandoned in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
<fluid> Producers Completed Total number of oil or gas producers completed in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Producers Completed Total number of producers completed in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
<fluid> Producers On Line Number of active Oil or Gas producers in the project/reservoir at the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Producers On Line Number of active producers in the project/reservoir at the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Production Start Actual date a production well starts producing; i.e., when it is first connected to a facility. Well (completion)
<fluid>: Rate Amount of fluid (oil, gas, water or component) produced/processed at the current step. Facility Project Reservoir Well (completion)
Recompletions Total number of recompletions performed in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Remaining Reserves Total fluid left in a reservoir (= reservoir recoverable fluid minus cumulative production of all its wells). Reservoir
Required Injection Rate Amount of fluid (water or gas) the system requires of a facility at the current step; see Voidage Replacement under Water Injection Options. (Injection) Facility
<reservoir>: Success Only operative in MC simulation runs when the Probability of Success defined in the Reserves Tab lower than 100%. Reservoir
Start Date Facilities: actual date a facility comes into existence, i.e. the moment its construction job ends. Jobs: actual date a job starts. Wells: actual date a well completion comes into existence, i.e. the moment its completion job ends. Facility Job Well (completion)
Total Acquired Amount of units of a given durable resource purchased so far. Resource
Total CapEx Cumulative CapEx up to the current step. Project Facility
Total Liquid Capacity Capacity of a facility's out connector for total liquid (oil + water) at the current step. Facility
Total OpEx Cumulative OpEx up to the current step. Project Facility
Units Number of units of a rig currently mobilized. Rig
Wells Connected Number of wells connected to a facility at the current step. Facility
Wells Drilled Total number of wellbores drilled in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
Wells Spudded Total number of wellbores spudded (drilling started) in the project/reservoir up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group
WI Conversions Number of oil producers converted into water injectors up to the current step. Project Reservoir Well Group

<fluid> Rate variables are "gross" values including any components which may be defined. Also, component production is only available at the facilities where they are separated out.

Runtime variables related to Well Groups are only available for User Groups.

Facility capacity runtime variables (<fluid> Capacity and Total Liquid Capacity) are always available even if the facility does not have out connectors for that fluid type.